Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pulmonary Embolism question?

I had bi-lateral pulmonary embolisms 5 months ago post-op and was hospitalized for a few days. My symptoms were 9/10 pain, could not move due to pain, shortness of breath, low sats, tachycardia, etc... The Doc said the pain should go away within 4-6 weeks. Since then, I have had the usual "zingers" of extreme pain which only last for a few seconds, and an ache of about 2-3/10 pain which comes and goes almost on a daily basis. But I have also occasionally been having signs of new PE's as well. This has happened about 3-4 times over the last 5 months, each time getting worse. Yesterday I had the *exact* same symptoms as my original PE with 9/10 pain, dyspnea, shortness of breath, etc... and But here is the kicker. These "attacks" are temporary and yesterdays episode only lasted about 10 minutes or so and left as quickly as it came. These are debilitating and cannot move or breath while I have them. I have to sit in a semi-tripod position and take very short, shallow breaths to keep the pain down. I have been treated for pleurisy (which I don't meet the criteria for but willing to try anything) and cannot distinguish the symptoms between my original PE and these episodes. However, I know that symptoms of a PE don't just "go away" like mine have been. I really feels like I have a sudden blockage of my vessel which breaks loose and allows blood flow again. Perhaps scar tissue or left over PE, I have no idea but am a Paramedic/Firefighter and return to work this week and CANNOT have this problem while on duty. My Doc doesn't know what is going on (she has referred me to yoga and acupuncture. I am looking for a new Doc right now) and need to get this problem fixed. I have searched the internet tirelessly and haven't found anything remotely comparable to my symptoms. Any thoughts?

How to align two parallel wheels?

Not quite sure in which category it belongs. I want to built a kind a large tricycle. I can weld and I want to build it out of existing bike parts. I've got most of it together, but I am a bit stuck how to make sure the two back wheels which should be parallel are indeed so. Each wheel is in a fork and I want to weld the forks on each end of a bar which will be parallel to the floor. I think I will have to build a wooden jig. I'll probably be able to muddle through, but if somebody knows of a good way to do this I'd be very interested to know.

I have Pain in both feet?

Over the past few months ive been having issues with my feet. I have constant arch pain. Its actually worse when Im not standing. I thought it was from being on my feet all the time, I worked as a stylist. So I thought some rest would help. I havent worked for over a month. the pain has not gotten any better, but has now spread to my hips and keeps me from sleeping. Its and aching pain and tingling pain. Ive tried icing them, had plenty of foot massages, but that typically causes them to swell. Im 5ft 4 115lbs 21yrs old my feet should not hurt this bad... Im thinking of going to the doctor, but part of me feels that im over reacting. Help?

If someone wants to repent for the evil deeds he/she has committed, what would be the best way possible?

Well, what you've done is done and no matter how hard you try you cannot undo what you've done. But you can start being good from this point onward. That's the best repentance you could ever get.

Does this sound serious with my brain?

I know how it feels to be worried about these things. But its ALWAYS better to be safe than sorry. You may need to just take a day to lay in the bath, cool down, relax, just lay in the bed, no bright lights or anything. It could be something like vertigo. But, I'm not a doctor, so i dont really know. If by any chance it is a tumor..the sooner your catch it, the easier it is to cure. So the longer you wait or put it off, its going to become more difficult to fix. But, I do really suggest that you see a doctor.

How do i catch these trout?

I found a small stream in Northwestern Connecticut that is stocked with rainbow and i think brown trout. On a straight a way, there is a large fallen white pine tree that crosses the stream and lays in the water maybe a couple inches. A bunch of debris has caught on this tree on the upstream side. The downstream side has a deep pool, maybe 7-8 feet. On the downstream side of the tree i can see a group of trout with huge lunker trout just swimming in place facing upstream. The water is super calm there. They hang out just past and underneath this tree. I've tried just about everything to catch these guys. Yard worms on a hook with and without sinker, Power/Trout bait, rooster tails, salmon eggs, tube bait, bass head jigs, minnows, lures of all kinds. It is frustrating because I can SEE them just below me when i fish off the tree. The big trout don't even check out my bait. I can catch small ones here and there, but i want a real keeper. Do these bigger trout just not bite? How do i catch them? I am using a closed face reel on a very light pole about 4 ft long, with 10 lb line.

What's the first symptom of being prenant ? and is a stomach ache a symptim of being pregnant ?

symptoms differ from person to person. for me, it was tenderness in my breasts and fatigue, and later some slight nausea. those are pretty common from what i've heard, early on. symptoms can also include some abdominal cramping as if you are having your period, light spotting, and constipation.

I'm 14, could I have diabetes?

For as long as I can remember I've always had bad stomach aches and nausea. I'm 14 now, and they have defiantly gotten worse. I get really sore and my arms and legs feel tingly at times, I get so dizzy and I feel off balance like I could fall over, and I feel weak a lot. I also have a really irregular period and down there I have this white stuff that itches once in awile but even when I take pill to get rid of a yeast infection it doesn't go away. Sometimes I do have some heartburn and my doctor has me on acid reflux meds but I had an upper endoscopy done and they said everything looked fine so I should get off that medicine. My period is usually every 48 days and I always feel horrible around then. I've also had some trouble sleeping as I wake up a few times. What could this be?

I'm looking for an irish band?

Could be anyone to be honest, so many bands busk on Grafton street, both small people starting up, and occassionally very big artists who do it for a bit of fun. Alot of bands would have that combination as well. You can't remember any other details can you?

Does the entire singles and dating section prove humans did not evolve from apes, and are not animals...?

i think most people do not suppress their instincts and mate like animals (referring to people who sleep around). i also think we are not using our intelligence when it comes to mating, therefore there are so many divorces and break-ups. i think to find the right "mate" is the hardest part of life. some people just get lucky. but im not exactly sure how nature planned this whole thing, since in most cases it's definitely not working out.

I have spoken God's name in vain?

I'm not a very big Christian, but I'm starting to try. I realize I have cursed and used God's name in vain. I read that you don't get acquitted for this breaking of the Commandment. Is it just too late now? Or is it just like every other sin, and I can repent and pray, letting me continue in the right direction. Thanks.

Why do homosexuals try to justify their sins with seafood verses?

Either you take the entire book of Leviticus as literal or you do not... You cannot cherry pick what is true and what is not true.

Rubik's Official Lube or Jig-A-Loo?

Ok, I ordered two DIY speed cube kits, one from Rubik', and one from, with the one from Rubik', I get a projectible silicone syringe, and at home, I have Jig-A-Loo. Now, what should I lubricate the cubes with? I used Jig-A-Loo plenty of times, and it's phenomonal, but, I have never used Rubik' lube, and I wanted to know what's better to use.

Conservative Christians against homosexuality: Do you believe HIV/AIIDS patients are completely damned?

Absolutely not.....They certainly can repent and put their faith and trust in Christ and be saved.......>

Waking up with really bad head aches?

A couple weeks ago i got into a fight, this crazy chick punched the back of my head consistently. and the next morning i had like 3 goose eggs on the back of my head. Ever since then i've been waking up in the morning with REALLY bad head aches, taking 2 extra strength advils barely seems to help. and the head aches usually last all day. i dont have any bruises left on my head or bumps so i dont know why im getting these bad head aches.

Why were the Apaches able to move into houses?

as a result of WHAT work, in 1981, the Aches were able to move into houses that had been designed with their participation, for their specific needs.

Liking someone who doesn't speak the same language as you do?

maybe you should learn Esperanto together (sorry, I didn't have the energy left to read the whole story)

Stomach hurt during early pregnancy?

Your best answer will be a pregnancy test. How long has it been since your last period? Early pregnancy often has very few symptoms, and typically increased frequency of urination and cravings don't happen until the second trimester. If you were in your second trimester, it will have been about 3 months since your last period. Stomach pain is not unusual during pregnancy, but if there is any blood or spotting accompanied with it, you will want to get it checked out to make sure that you are not having a miscarriage. Hope this helps!

My left fingers ache .?

Hi im a 15 year old female and the left side of my fingera ache. Mainly like the ring finger, middle finget and pinky. The ache through 1-10 would be about 3 or 4. any ideas ?

Will i got to hell? or should i prepare?

Im not religious at all but dude, do what you feel is right and do it because living in fear and living with guilt is the worst feeling in the world

How would you describe the pain when giving birth?

I've heard it described as like grabbing your lower lip with both hands and yanking it up over your head.

Why is my eye so painful?

For a couple of days now I have been having pain at the back of my left eye. It usually eases up after an hour or so but today it has been constant and I'm now starting to worry. The pain is like a really bad ache which feels worse when I move the eye. Even closing my eye doesn't really help. Does anyone know what might be causing this??

How long does it usually take an intramuscular shot to stop aching?

Son number 2 got his kindergarten shots yesterday and is still complaining of pain. He actually usually does well with pain, so just wondering!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

For Baptists and some other denomonations?

Because you glorify yourself and the interpreter where as on the true day of Pentecost each heard in his own tongue while the word was spoke in the speakers tongue.

Anyone got any idea's that would help me get over my ex ?

my ex and i where going out for five months and then out of the blue my friend txted me and told me he saw my boyfriend at the time holding hands with another girl . so i txted him and told him i wanted a break for the summer and he said ok i love you and then a week later he chang's his status to say that hes with the new girl on facebook so basically i got dumped over facebook. when i had to txted him for the break i was so upset txting him that , that i felt like cutting myself ( but thankfully i didn't) i felt so sick for weeks after the break up. I thought for weeks and i still feel like i failed and that i didn't no how to fight for him but then i realized that i have to let him go , i no i love him but there's only so much heart ache i can take and it feels like i have no heart . i find it hard to connect with other guys ( we broke up in april and its now june) one guy asked me out on a date but even the thought of it made me feel guilty . i think about him constantly and dream about him when in my heart i no that i have ta let him go , he doesn't love me i get that , so why is it so hard for me to get over my ex ?

Spitting Blood and stomach pains?

Around 4:30 today i started getting a stomach ache like i was hungry, and i went in the bathroom with my girlfriend when she was taking a bath and all of a sudden i tasted blood in my month so i got up and spit into the sink and there was bright red blood the first thing my girlfriend did was check and see if it was my teeth and it wasnt so we went to the ER, there the doctor said the only places it could be from is stomach nose or throat and he did nothing and said i was fine but i still feel like crap no more spitting blood but stomach still hurts and i ate idk what to do im freaking out help

Will Republicans nominate Romney mainly because he's a Mormon and according to his church Blacks are cursed?

And God had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people, the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them. And thus saith the Lord God; I will cause that they shall be loathsome unto thy people, save they shall repent of their iniquities." (2 Nephi 5:21)

Question about Muslim religion ..?

Hello , first of all im a muslim .. Im awhere that tattoo is forbidden in the muslim religion ... Yet , i still did it on my body .. My question is , will Allah forgive me if i repent ? Ive done so many sins in my life and im terrified of the afterlife .. Please give me a serious answer .. Thank you : )..

Why do christian go around say they are saved,and we need saved ,thats not for them to decide?

i think its a bit arrogant of them ,now correct me if im wrong ,but isn't god the only one who can make that call at judgment day,no matter how good you think you led your life,how much you believed or repented..or does he not have a say anymore

Has anyone pregnant experienced this .... is this normal ?

im 21 weeks pregnant and had a pain in my left lower abdomen that hurt when i touched it ,ive had it twice before it switches sides, and sometimes sends an ache down my leg. it lasts for like 5 mins and goes completley away . when i told the dr , he said its normal .

Everytime I see my girlfriend, she gives me head?

...aches. I think she talks too much - is there anything I can do to get her to be a little quieter?

What Lure Should I Buy for Bass Fishing?

top water or just nightcrawlers. but if u r getting the top water there is a spesific one called a hula popper (get the gold and black one) after u cast it u use it by pulling on your pole frome the left to the right if u r doing it right u will hear a ploping sound.

What's better; a bobber with a hooked minnow or a jig with a minnow for trout?

4# test is normally good enough for trout. They are very aware fish. So, the smaller the line the better. A bobber will work fine. Just get the bait down on a level where the fish are. Mill worms work great this time of year.

Panfishing tips for using tubes?

i live in tennessee and i want to start using tube jigs for catching sunfish. what kind of jig heads should i use? 1/32 ounce? and are there certain jig heads designed specifically for tubes? also, the water temp is under 50 right now and i've been having some decent luck with crappie nibbles on a bare hook on a split shot i even stand a chance at catching gills with tubes? and what methods do you suggest i use when they're hesitant to bite.

Why are most women my age not virgins?

None trashy women are hard to find nowadays! That's because the road to the lord is narrow and hard to.find yet the rode to satan is wide and fun. I was a virgin until I met my husband at age 19. There are good girls out there, they are just few and far between. I wish you luck. You seem like a great guy...I love my husband but I too wish he were a virgin before I lost mine to him :( dont change your standards and expectations just because people might call you a nerd or something ungodly. Be who you are and make the lord smile! God bless!

Bold & Beautiful - Brooke's change?

Did anyone else catch on that Brooke is going through an emotional "crisis" ? The way it's being written she is probably going through suicidal plans. She's giving away all her money, giving away personal gifts, saying how she's "repented", setting up grants, and being written with a "calm" attitude like she's "made up her mind". These things are all behaviors that a person planning to commit suicide does. ( I don't know about giving your husband back to your old enemy & his previous wife, though. That's new.). They'll probably write this in & she'll take an overdose or do something else dramatic. That way, Thomas will really feel guilty & he'll confess all to everyone. Even Stephanie won't see that coming talk about guilt. Brooke will almost die, then poor Taylor will lose out again & Ridge will bounce back to Brooke again. I hope Taylor gets a few weeks of happiness before the whole thing explodes. Anyone else see these signs or others?

Who determines if a person is truly repentant in the watchtower society?

Its easy to fool man, but nobody can fool Jehovah. He will make sure the congregation is kept clean, and necessary action will be taken sooner or later. Don't you worry.

Lower and mid back pain?

Unless you have a specific injury, back pain if caused by weak core muscles. When your core is weak your spine tends to sag a sway a little bit when you make irregular movements. Do some regular exercise for the tummy and back. The pain will be replaced by aching muscles for a while but the sharp pains should stop.

Atheists: Would it hurt you to try?

Certain type of people can "repent" for their "sins", not because a supernatural entity requires them to do so, but because they, as you said, know in their hearts they've done wrong, and want to make things better. If you believe that one needs to have God in his heart to be capable of such a thing, then God is simply a set of morals, a sense of right and wrong - not a creator of the universe.

Should I accept my cheating wife?

Before making any drastic decisions you should really try and figure out if its your baby or not. but it sounds like its not your baby...thats very strange that she wont show you medical papers. and the timing of her pregnancy is also off with the timing you guys had sex. I say, dont forgive her! you guys are married and she cheated. to me, cheating is absolutely unacceptable in marriage. thats wrong enough for boyfriends and girlfrends, but husbands and wives? absolutely not

Atheists, do you want my help ?

If what you say is true, that strongly suggests that you don't really have much idea what atheism and science are about in the first place.

How to catch the bigger bass in a smaller 1 acre pond?

The bigger the bait or lure the bigger the fish is the saying but it doesn't always work that way. Fish may hit smaller lures more than large ones on any given day. Large lures could mean less fish too because they could scare the fish. To me i like smaller lures because they don't scare the fish and catch fish. I have caught mostly all my fish off of bait because it is natural and easier to catch fish with but lures are more challenging and fun to use. I don't have a boat so i try to get lighter lures that work well for fishing off the beach and if you don't have one either like me than try this it might help you get more fish. For Bass try Spinnerbaits, Buzzbaits, Crankbaits, Stickbaits, and Topwaters, Bluegill are easy to catch Small Spoons, Jigs, Spinners, as well as bait too such as worms, and shiners these will work for bass, and catfish too, and for Flathead Catfish try dead shiners, or worms but live will work too as well as lures too because Flatheads unlike Bullhead Catfish may hit Artificial Lures too. Hope all of this informative information helps you:)

Having a personal relationship w/ Christ--question for catholics and protestants?

Yes its important to have a personal relationship through prayer and reading Holy Scripture as well as partaking in the Eucharist.

Irish Dance. Western Oireachtas 2011: Age Groups/Dances. HELP!?

You should be doing whatever your teacher told you or whatever your registered for. Combining age groups shouldn't change your dances, but I'm not sure b/c I'm not from Western Region.

If God has commanded you to Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child?

are you spoiling your children? God bemoans the brats and blesses the bruised bottoms. Repent and be healed.

Why does this happen when I don't get enough sleep?

I'm healthy little 14 year-old. I eat [fairly] decent food and in general, I take good care of myself. I've noticed that when I don't get a lot of sleep, I get a stomach ache the entire next day. Sometimes cramps and chest pain, too. It's usually pretty distracting. I come home from school if it's really bad. But I typically get enough sleep so I haven't really addressed this problem. Anyway. I stayed up til about 1 last night, then remembered I had to get up at 7. So I got a good 5 and a half to 6 hours of sleep. I was also very stressed (it was a driving test) so it wasn't even decent sleep. So I've had this killer stomach ache and diharrea today (embarrassing...). So I guess I'm wondering why this happens and if I should worry about it. Any ideas?

I need help with my Irish dancing!?!?

When I first started dancing, I was the best in the class. My teacher loved me, and I was such a good dancer. But that was like 5 years ago, and now I'm not doing as well as I would like.. I'm not the best in the class.. I try to work on my steps at home, but some of them are so hard for me! I HATE and can't do my slip jig or hornpipe at ALL. I am going to another 2 and 1/2 hour, much more intense dance class on the weekends, but things just aren't enough. What else can I do? Do you have any drills or anything I can work on at home for like up on your toes, turn out, etc? Thanks sooo much - I'd really appreciate it.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How to go about replacing and fixing rust hole?

For a wick fix spray in foam srpay insulation in a can. When it drys you can cut off the extra, sand and paint it you cand also stuff the whole with news paper and slap bondo over it.

Huntington harbor fishing help!!!!!?

okay so in a few weeks me and my friend are going to huntington harbor and his parents are renting us a 4 seater zodiac inflatable. the problem is im a bass fisher. i just want to know what i shud use. i hav a abu garcia bait caster reel with a 12 lb line on it and a fluegger trion rod. it a medium rod with 6-12 lb test. i jus want to know if i go fishing in the harbor not real far out jus like 100 yards or so. i want to know if id be fine with that or shud i get a heavier line like a 30lb test or 20lb test. also what jigs shud i use and wat fish arei n the harbor. im new to salt water fishin!! plz help asap

God's Punishment of the grave(after death)?

Dont get too much afraid its that a man who is doing wrong atleast he should know it and guilt and respect is the most important thing just be good to humans and then Allah everything is fine there is a beautiful hadith which says you will meet Allah on the day of judgment as you have thought of him if you think he is kareem raheem then why not and there is one other hadith there will be a time in which a man who will say dont do sin in the open he will be a wali ( friend of Allah) so dont worry Allah will guide us and he will show us his mercy .AMEEN

Scottish people: I'm composing a Jig this evening but can't think of a name for it.....?

I'm on my third bar but need a name for it - any ideas? I live in Aberdeen, am a bit on the fat side, enjoy long lies and have a dog named Gary if this helps. Thanks x

Are Crappie Nibbles effective when you use them with a small jig/lure?

i was thinkin maybe a beetlespin body or a small jig or even a tube lure that i can put the nibbles in

What's the title and singer of the song with the line "it's getting dark for the second time since we got up"?

I heard the song on Pandora the other day, but I forgot the title and who sings it. This is the only line I remember, and when I Googled it, I only got one hit and it didn't mention either. The song was sung by a little girl (at least, the version I'm thinking of, if there are multiple), and it was about a jig or something. If anyone could help me out, I'd really appreciate it because it's bothering me something awful.

Is Islam a religion of peace?

If Hitler can be called a peace maker, yes, you can call Islam a peaceful religion; the best example is Pakistan.

Forgiveness in Islam, my lost friend!?

your friend is a LIAR ,HE IS A HYPOCRITE ,GOD NEVER LIE ,the Quran says in chapter 29 verse 45 ;either you believe in the Quran or the liar ;Offer prayer perfectly . Verily prayer prevents from SINFUL and (ILLEGAL SEXUAL RELATION ) ILLEGAL DEEDS

Should I get Blood Work done?

I was hospitalized in September due to Viral Meningitis. Ever since then I've been feeling kind of off, never really 100%. At one point I thought I was having a relapse, I was feeling some of the symptoms that I had pre-meningitis. Lately I have been feeling a little dizzy, and I get stomach aches more often now. Should I suggest getting blood work done?

Why can't I save files from the internet? Also, why won't this thing shut up!?!?

I'm using Mozilla Firefox 4 and for some reason it won't let me save files off the internet anymore! Whenever I right-click the link to the file and hit "save link as" it just shows an hourglass and if I move the mouse it just turns back into a pointer and never opens up the save file window! I think it might be because I accidentally turned on some XP Anti-Malware thing-a-ma-jig and whenever I open FF it pops up saying that this program is trying to access the internet blah blah blah Allow? and it is so Freaking annoying because it keeps on having these things pop-up in little bubbles saying that my computer is going to die if I don't register it or whatever!!! IT'S MAKING ME PO!!! And I have no idea how to make it stop and go away! So now I can't download any files off the internet anymore! I don't know if it's because of the anti do-hickey or what but someone help me, PLEASE!!!

What are some prelabour signs?

sounds like ur in the nesting stage. baby must b on the way! google nesting stage in pregnancy. goodluck and congrads.

Question about birth control?

Hi, i am 15 and my mom just told me she thinks i should get on birth control. im not sexually active, and i never have been. im still a virgin and i plan on staying that way untill i get a boyfriend that im searious about. she said that she just wants to get it out of the way so she doesnt have to worry about me having unprotected sex and to help with my periods. but, i dont think my pierods are that bad. i got my frist period when i was almost 12. my periods come almost exactly every 25 days(give or take a day) and usually last about 4 or 5 days. i dont get cramps. well... sometimes i do. like every 3rd period i have cramps just on the frist day but i basically dont get cramps. i dont feel anything actually. my back just aches and my body gets kinda sore but im good with pain so it doesnt really bother me. so its kind of like my period isnt even there. but she said she just wants to make sure im protected just in case and to help my periods. she said that they will come less, and stay for a shorter amount of time? is that true? ive been looking up things on the internet on if it effects girls moods and i really cant find a whole lot. im not a moody person, im pretty mellow. i dont get emotional all of a sudden or anything....all my friends say their jealous, but like i periods dont really effect me. my question is, if i start taking them will they lessen my periods like my mom said. and will it make me all moody and crap. because im not like that now and i really dont want to be. i have friends who will just start crying for no reason...and its wierd. i like how i am now. but i do want to be protected and have less periods, i just dont want to be moody and emotional. sorry this is really long.....i know theres different kinds of birth control and i just want to know if you were me, would you get on it? and if its a good idea or not?

How can I train for an Irish Dance Feis?

As great as conditioning is it doesn't actually help all that much in Irish dancing. When I have a competition coming up I drill little pieces of my steps over and over and over. Think about your feet placement (cross over, turnout, on your toes, etc). If you can get a mirror so you can watch your feet it is extremely helpful. A small plywood board is also a great investment because hen you can practice hardshoe at home even if you don't have much space. Make sure all of your rhythms are sharp and clear and that you kick your butt every time.

Is God calling me?(Giving me a sign)?

Well,I used to shoplift a lot before and today i bought a metro card from craigslist.I checked the metro card the machine said It said it was a monthly Unused metro card.Therefore,i gave the man from craigslist 80 dollars.When i tried to use it,the metro card was expired.It had expired yesterday.I felt so upset and he had left already.I tried to call him and he ignored my calls.Thus,I sent him text messages telling I would pray for him.I really was upset and decided to never steal or shoplift again.Hence,this made me want to repent for my sins and convert into a Christian.Furthermore,while i was walking home two young girls stopped me from a Christian church and convinced me to go to their church.Did God sent them?

Now that the Flee Party 14 are being held in contempt and issued arrest warrants, is the jig up?

Sucks that police can't leave their jurisdiction huh? This means absolutely nothing. Republicans are getting desperate.

High white blood cells in eyes, blood and urine?

Ive had an optometrist comment on high WBC (white blood cell) in my eyes when getting contacts, I was screened for (blood test) low thyroid and Doc told me that I have high WBC and to watch that then I had a pee test (routine) from my PCP and she also told me about the high WBC count. I do have pain in my lower back but I also have scoliosis so I don't know now if the scoliosis (its 15% the lower end for scoliosis) but maybe a kidney/ovary problem or what? I don't know what ?'s to ask my Doctor ( Oh three separate doctors told me this and I am a 28 year old female with no kids...good diet and take walks daily) I do have aches and pains but I was a tremendous athlete in my high school and college years so I just attribute my aches and pains to my athletic youth and scoliosis or could more be going on here? Oh and these tests took place within the past 18 months and Im not pregnant Thanks for reading!

Can a gay person be christian?

Well i have a friend (yes a friend) his names caelan but hes a STRONG extremely strong christian, but i have a feeling hes "gay" he just acts like it... the way he talks! the words he uses and he doesn't even act like he likes any girls! but i asked a priest and he said "well if hes gay hes breaking a extremely big sin being gay is like suicide you become it than your going to hell its something you Can NOT repent from" but still i feel bad for him :(

Girls problems/ periods x?

Only when you begin to mature you will get your period. A sign of being mature is actually typing out the entire word and not using stupid abbreviations like "rly."

Lower abdominal cramping, back pain and no period yet for a week?

Help what's going on, my period is late which never happened before. My abdomen is experiencing cramps and my pelvic area is aching. PMS started 2 days before my period was supposed to arrive but nothing came except for the pain and cramps a couple of days later. I thought that I might be pregnant but I'm not all HPT tests came out negative. I'm frustrated can anyone tell me what's going on?

Have you ever done a jig saw with a thousand pieces?

and what was it of? i dont think id have the patience or time. i admire those who do though, have patience for those kind of things.

Is this tune from an Irish Jig?

I don't know the actual name of the tune used at 3:00- could be an original composition by the group for all I know- but I can tell you that it's an Irish-style reel, not a jig.

Spiritually speaking..will ppl on each side of the debate miss sumthing this big?

bottled water manufactured demaand by opressing tap water..and said it was not healthy.. gatorade focuses on discouraging water as a whole this a jig? is there sum truth? yeah a botlle of gatorade does get me peped up..but is the company setting us up??will any1 fall for it? sayin cuz..soon gatorade may take over the bottled water...:\ jus tht possiblr?

Who can cut out wisdom teeth and take my PA access card?

Have had my wisdom teeth for about a year they are half way through my gums but still impacted and infected the ER told me. I need to get the one cut out but I have havin the hardest time finding a oral surgeon that will take my Pennsylvania access card. I am missing work over the pain i need them out asap cant keep gettin head aches and ear aches and my throat is so sore it needs done asap! any suggestions??? l

I'm 15 and my ex-girlfriend is 14 and I think her dad hates me?

I had be going out with her for 9 months when she broke up with me because I never got to see her but once a month sometimes 2. But as soon as school was out in 2 weeks I was goin to see her about every week. But she just wasn't convinced that I was seeing her enough so she broke up me. Her dad whom I had only met about 5 times dosent care for me. He didn't like me but he didn't hate me either. What he really hated was us being together. And now 1 month later my ex whom I still dearly love got grounded because I was txtin her to late. She is now ungrounded 3 weeks later and is allowed to txt again but only people who are on the board committee she is on which I am but for some reason she can't txt me. I'm guessin because of him. Why would he do this to me because when I had her my life was great and now after she is gone and I can't even tlk to her my heart aches all the time and I feel like her dad ruined my life because he dosent like us being together then after we arnt together he still cuts all connections we had to tlk. Why would he do this to me?

What size fishing pole should i use?

I looking for something that can cast decently far, but not so big its hard to jig lures in the bay.

I'm having back pains, what could that mean?

I am a 16 year old girl and for the past four or five days I have been having a really bad pain in my lower back. The pain is also occurring in the side areas of my lower back. Sometimes my upper middle back will start to hurt as well. My front abdomen below my belly button has been hurting too. I feel fatigue and sometimes different joints feel weak. I have been having head aches on and off. What do you think the problem might be and do you think i should go see a doctor.

Sweet Sixteen Party Help Please?

since you love Anime use that as theme to your party and give aways so comics or figures to your friends a party favors it doesnt have to be big it can be a few of your friends at you house and your parents wouldnt have to spend that much.

Monday, July 18, 2011

How long after ovulating should you get Your period?

I'm not sure yet, but I think I may get my period soon.. I have cramps right now, earlier my lower back aches.. and I have discharge (sometimes a lot, sometimes none at all..) and public hair, and I have a appointment tomorrow that may take a while, and I have been having the cramps sense last night, so more than 24 Hours... and I was wondering... how long after this stage do you get a period? Should I wear a panty liner just in case? PLEASE HELP ME!! :(((

Question for all christians?!?

I think it's a just decision. Religion is tricky, and sometimes people lose the passion they used to have or simply want to venture out for other possibilities. Agnosticism is always a wise perspective to adopt.

New to Surf fishing Oahu?

Buddy, you could catch anything. You could hook into a Tuna that would snap 50 pound test like a Bull through a Spiders web. So as far as what to by for surf fishing get some 50 LB super braid or 85 LB for that matter and hope it breaks before the fish pulls you out to sea. As for the reel it's personal choice, but you should really ask a local at a tackle shop. Hooks at least 7/0 stainless. With chunk bait or live bait with slip Float.

What kind of saws do I need to build a birdhouse?

I want to build a birdhouse for my girlfriend. I an pretty new at this, this will actually be my first time woodworking. I have a circular saw and a jig saw. What other saws to you recommend for construction? For example, when you need to cut angles on the wood. Thanks.

Am I having period pain?

I have an ache in between my hips. It's not really painful and I only have it for like 20 minutes at a time but could it be period pain??

Stomache ache, watery diarrhea, fever, and need of rest?

I went to Mexicali, Mexico. I drank contaminated water. and these are my symptoms: stomach ache, watery diarrhea, slight fever, and need of rest. what do you think i have? and is it curable without going to a hospital?


some weird thingy ma jig keeps popping on my computer screen and need help to get rid of it. i have a recovery cd, bi dont know how to use that either and no matteif i click cancel, or try again or X out of it, it keeps popping up !!! help !!!! (it keeps saying this : there is no disk in the drive. please insert a disk into drive \Device\Harddisk1\DR3)

What lure should I use today?

I live in iowa...3rd day of 70 degree water, very windy, water temps around 53-56 degrees, bass weight on average 3-5 pounds. Water isnt clear but i wouldnt say its dirty. What lure or jig or whatever should i use today?

Cutting plywood with a jig saw?

I like to do crafts but I find that when I use the jig saw the plywood splits. Is there a special blade that I can buy for it to get a smoother cut. Or is there another "inexpensive" tool that I can use to cut out shapes or yard art that would work well for my hobbies.

This girl drove me home after the show?

dude go for it maybe shes just being a tease or w/e but i would still go for it worst case scenario she says no w/e you do at least ask her out

What is the Best Fishing pole for me?!?

I am 16 years old so nothing too expensive 60 dollars maximum, but I use Spinner bait, worms, and fake worms. I also jig sometimes. I am a beginner level fisherman. I am fishing for bass and bluegill in a medium sized pond. The bass weigh up to 9 pounds but those are rare. What should I get. If you dont know a specific pole at least what brand or what type. Thanks

How do I catch striped bass?

I'm going to Lake Powell in June and I was wondering what kind of bait/jig/flys I would need in order to do so. Also any specific location (i.e near shore)?

Why do I feel sick every time I eat?

Every time I eat, no matter what it is or how big or small it is, my stomach aches and I feel dizzy. I sometimes go a few days without even needing to eat, but I get to the point where I really want to eat, even though I'm not hungry, and when I do I just feel even more sick. Even the smell or thought of certain foods makes me want to throw up now.

Will Charlie Adams and Ashley Young, be the missing piece to Liverpool's jig saw?

No, they need some new defenders so they don't leak too many goals, they also need to do a complete revamp of the squad, get rid of the dead wood, and start to bring through the youngsters in the youth team. It's an underperforming squad built around one player, Steven Gerrard. Who in my opinion is getting past it and they will therefore have to bring in some new players. One winger and a central midfielder who has had one good season will not do much for the squad. If they want to seriously start competing for titles, they need to bring in some quality players.

What kind of blade would I use for a jig saw to cut plywood?

I like to do crafts but I find that when I use the jig saw the plywood splits. Is there a special blade that I can buy for it to get a smoother cut. Or is there another "inexpensive" tool that I can use to cut out shapes or yard art that would work well for my hobbies.

Pray for unsaved girl I'm crazy for to repent?

You can not make anyone repent, only yourself. If you try and force your religion on her, chances are you are going to drive her away.

Can someone gives me the Japanese lines for Panty and Stocking Transformation scene?

" Rinbō no ushinawa reta tamashī kara umareta O jaakuna seishin wa, Seibo no fukusō kara handan o ukeru. Sezoku-tekina fujunbutsu no jōka; Ten to chi ni modorimasu. Kuiaratameru! "

Drilling concrete for anchors ?

You cold take a steel rod or punch and place it in the hole and hammer on it to see if that breaks up the rock or if it is in fact rebar. I do not understand how you are using a hammer drill in a place that you can't get your head above the hole though. If in fact you are using a concrete bit which does not look like a regular drill bit, masonry bits have little wings on the tip, and will not even come close to drilling steel.

Question to conservatives?

In what ways are you trying to get gay people to repent for their sins and turn away from homosexuality? How is insulting them and belittling them going to get them to come to church. We must kill them with them don't insult's not what Christians do.

Retainer pain, after a long time. Any help?

I would say try wearing them every night for a while and if it the pain does not go away, see your orthodontist. They hurt because your teeth probably are not solidly in place yet. Keep wearing them so you can have beautiful straight teeth :)

Why do you believe in atheism when it's a fact that God loves u?

Atheism is a bad religion that will land you in hell! Please repent now!!! You still have a chance before the end!

Christian teen/ sex dilema?

Gosh I'm 18 but I want to have sex. I've done it three times already. I've repented, but somehow found myself tempted and giving in again. I am A Christian, and I love God, but I was just wondering, why is it that anything and everything that I (and alot of other teens) want to do is wrong -Why? Theres nothing fun about it :( Please help me.

If I want to be born again, how do I know I've repented hard enough?

When you've repented so hard that that the pent explodes out of your repent and lands in your penthouse.

Back ache and neck pain/headache during period?

It's normal for your period to come with those types of pain, I get them too. I don't smoke weed though.


i started when i was 15 and i was able to talk to my mom about it before and after my first. it is not an awkward conversation to have, i'm not kidding, just ask your mom about it.

What's the first symptom of being prenant ? and is a stomach ache a symptim of being pregnant ?

symptoms differ from person to person. for me, it was tenderness in my breasts and fatigue, and later some slight nausea. those are pretty common from what i've heard, early on. symptoms can also include some abdominal cramping as if you are having your period, light spotting, and constipation.

I need some insight on my symptoms?

I will start off by saying I have a doctor appointment booked, it's just not for a few weeks so I thought I would come on here to get any info I could while I wait to see the doctor. First thing I am concerned about is every so often, maybe 1-2 times a month my left arm will randomly feel immense pressure inside as if someone were taking my blood pressure, the veins pop out and it goes a little red. This usually only lasts around 30 seconds and then goes away, it is completely random, sometimes it happens when I am fully exerting myself, other times I am completely relaxed. I have also been experiencing frequent fevers lately, no other symptoms other than a fever, usually around 101-102 F, accompanied by body aches the entire duration of the fever. I have had 3 in the lAst month and a half, usually last anywhere from 1-3 days. This has me concerned that there may be something wrong. I am 21 in good general condition, mother of a 3 year old, and unfortunately I do smoke (trying my hardest to quit that nasty habit) if that will help. Again I am just looking for some insight while I wait to see my doctor, anything is helpful! Thanks!

I think i have a kidney infection D: ?

Im diabetic type one, it really burns when i wee and i keep needing to go, aswell as that i have a bad ache in my back which is worse when i lie down :( also it hurts when i press and im getting stabbing pains. I've had this before and it feels alot like a kidney infection (i have had a few in the past). I tell my mum but she doesn't believe me :( what if i keep kidney damage or something D: apart from the fact i dont feel very well... :'( I think im going to the doctors today...will they be able to tell?

Nervous about starting college?

Hi Bella, what your feeling is normal. Look at this as a sense of adventure, people tend to be more approachable at college, so you will find it easy to make friends. When I went to college I found it quite exciting because for the first time I was treated as an adult by teachers. The worst thing that could happen is your pen runs out of ink, so relax you'll love it. Wish you all the best, enjoy.

Crappie fishing - jigs or tubes?

If you could have custom tied crappie jigs or tubes of any color for fishing crappie which would you prefer and why? I want to know if tubes on a jighead are any better than custom tied jigs because I can tie flies and making crappie jigs would give me something to do, but I'd want to know they are at least as good as tubes if I give them precious time on my line. I'm not an experienced crappie fisherman by the way.

Adam, Abraham, Moses all these people taught that the wages of sin is death.?

Mohammed substitutes death with sincere repentance. Throughout Jewish history, lambs were killed as a sacrifice for remission of sin and without the shedding of blood there was no remission. If Allah is the same God Abraham worshiped, does this mean he softened and now accepts substitutes? Can man sincerely repent? Am very afraid for Mohammedans.

The Christian Narrow Gate?

Can a true Christian elaborate on this? My contention is that like Jesus proclaimed "few will find it" based on true repentance of sins, which is a part of the forgiveness He brings. I feel that by through God's word, our sins are revealed and then we must repent. I often debate a fellow Christian on this, she maintains that we all desire sin and in effect remain in this state (Romans 7) but does not understand that true repentance comes from being saved. It isn't a wishy washy proclamation to believe in Jesus that he died for our sins, if the Holy Spirit enters your heart and your proclamation is heart driven (internal) and God's knows the heart, taking the order of the Holy Spirit to be an obedient servant, I believe at this point you are actually saved and then we can pursue total righteousness instead of sin. Can anyone explain this better? Other words the born again sentiment as stated in the Gospel message.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I have a few fishing questions, anyone?

You can find answers to almost anything related to bass fishing here: a href="" rel="nofollow"

What are the best colored rubber worms and best color lures to use when bass fishing during summer in NJ?

i usually fish in murky to clear lakes with mucky bottoms i just need as much detail as i can get and color wise and if you want to throw in some pointers about lure types and even bringing it in (like to jig or not to jig) that wouldnt no rookie i can catch bass just pointers and tips never hurt, thanks

Are Uncle Josh's Pork Frogs reusable?

Can they be reusable? When I try to take them off my jig, they get destroyed because I have to tear them off because of how tough they are. Is there a way you can cleanly take them off to be reused.

Yo, I'm here to drop some knowledge on you phools, big willie style?

This universe is a creation. Stop hatin and start participatin. Stop with this nasty fear fulled sh!t. It's time to believe in Jesus and to love God and love your fellow man as yourself. Repent and Represent!

Dancing(mambo, scottish jig) For Exercise?

Hey I understand the problems you've gone through trying to lose weight,my friend was in the same situation as you,nothing worked for him until he came across the diet solution.He's been having great success with it.Maybe this is something which could be right for you. Well good luck!!!

I warn my wife and try to help her avoid a bad situation, and she ignores me, & blames me.?

You need to get a divorce. No sex in 6 months and then you threaten her and then you get even with her. You are not in love and neither is she.

What does it mean when it really hurts to pee?

I had a major stomach ache yesterday, and was in the bathroom for over an hour because of diarrhea, and I took some motrin and alieve, and my stomach felt better like an hour later. But it started hurting really bad to pee, and everytime I use the bathroom, I can go, but once I'm almost done, it starts to really hurt, it's like a pain on my lower lower stomach, and I don't know what to do about it. Is it infection of some kind? I'm 16 years old. Does this happen to people my age? And now, it is REALLY hard to hold my pee. When I have to go I HAVE TO GO. I used to be able to hold it in for a little while, but now, I can't at all. I'm scared if I'm at school or something, I won't be able to hold it. Should I take medicine of some kind?

Is Masturbation A Sin?

I don't see the word or the subject mentioned anywhere in the Bible. This is a touchy subject, I know. Latest statistics says 90% of males masturbate and about 60% females. I know the Bible touches on marriage and sex is marriage only is right. Outside of marriage is adultery, a sin. But what about all the single people like me out there? Sexual release is, to me, a normal biological function. I think the monks don't do it, they have what is caused 'nocturnal emissions', I guess the nuns have something similar. The subject troubles me for I do not want to displease God if this is a sin. After I do it, I always repent sincerely and just claim that it is a 'normal biological function', and ask Him to forgive me on those grounds. Like to hear from others who have thoughts on this subject, and if you can give me Biblical scripture or references regarding it I would appreciate it. Thanks.(Please be serious with this, no silly or making fun replies, okay?)

Waking up with really bad head aches?

A couple weeks ago i got into a fight, this crazy chick punched the back of my head consistently. and the next morning i had like 3 goose eggs on the back of my head. Ever since then i've been waking up in the morning with REALLY bad head aches, taking 2 extra strength advils barely seems to help. and the head aches usually last all day. i dont have any bruises left on my head or bumps so i dont know why im getting these bad head aches.

Does the emptiness ever go away?

I've had that feeling for years. I describe it as 'dead' and sometimes I even start to figure I feel so dead why not just BE dead... I suggest getting a counselor and possibly going on meds. Meds should not be done without counseling and often counseling helps without the meds becoming involved.

Why do I have an upset stomach after a belly piercing?

I got my belly button pierced three days ago. Ever since, I've had reoccurring stomach aches. Not pain around the piercing, I just feel sick to my stomach. Could it have been pierced wrong or? I just don't understand why I'm feeling this way. :c

What's a good color for prespawn/spawining bass?

I've got a white jig with a blue skirt and a white curly tail. If it sounds like I'm being to specific, it's because it's my only jig. Lol, but the water was 42 degrees yesterday, and I'm guessing it'll be warmer this week. I've also got some large soft plastics I can carolina/texas rig if the jig doesn't work, I was just wondering what you guys thought.

Athesests- Need help getting right with Gods, need repentance had enoug h off the wrongful life?

Repent- I will pray for you.........abuse me as you will as they did jesus I FORGIVE YOU - allelluiah

Anyone who plays the bagpipes?

So I'm 15 and I play the bagpipes (i know... dorky. no need for rude comments. I do it for my grandma) But I was wondering what the tune they play for the dance tunes like the lilt, flora, sean truibas, hornpipe, jig and fling.

Should i see go to the er for a toothache?

Ive been having a really bad tooth ache for about a week now and i havent been able to sleep because of it. ive also tryed everything from orajel to home remeedies. Its starting to hurt so bad. i havent took and advil or tyenol because i dont have any or no anyone that has any at this hour. what can doctors do at the e.r and is there anything i can do to try and wait to see my faimly doctor tomorrow??

I don't know what to do about my best friend.. this will be a lil long..?

Ok, so heres the thing. My best friend is 1 year older than me and next year she will go to a bigger school while i go to a different school but we arent moving and we should see each other regularly. We just became best friends this year and heres why: last year her and well lets call her amy were best friends. so amy went out with.. ( lets call my best friend pat ) pats cousin. amy started to push pat away and focus on pats cousin. so then pat became mad at her and pat and i became closer and started hanging out more. then eventually we started to hate amy and we became best friends. all was good but then she started hanging out with amy again and i asked her if she liked amy and shes like no and then a few months later amy and pats cousin broke up and then pats cousin started to defend her in the halls and even defended her from me! she knows that my worst of all fear is her going back to amy after all we've been through and not caring about me and she promised me that that wouldnt happen. then a few weeks ago that stopped and i was like what you defending her is now over? and she said yeah shes a slut and i was like ok lol and then all was good. but now i have a baseball tourniment this weekend and amy didnt have a ride so pat said she ride with them and i was already coming with pat because i didnt have a ride. she just IMed me and said: amy is coming with us on the way because she doesnt have a ride and mom said yes but shes not staying with us. i said omg do you realize how much i dislike her and why cant she go with someone else?! and shes like if your going to have that attitude just dont come because i want to have fun and i said yeah well whatever i want to have fun too and we went back and forth and eventually i said well i dont want to fight and i want to have a good time and i will even if amy is there and shes like fine you can come but dont get pissed off just because you might be the third wheel ( she knows right where to hit and i thought to myself, you say you hate her then you go and hang out with her and leave me your " best friend " as a third wheel to her? ) and i said wow thanks. and shes like im just saying when there is three there is always someone left out and dont come crying to me that your that one. OH DID I FORGET TO MENTION THAT AMY WENT TO PATS TODAY ( TUESDAY ) AND IS STAYING TIL FRIDAY AND THEN COMING TO PICK ME UP WITH THEM? yes well during this little fight i have no doubt amy and pat were sitting there talking about me and in on this together the whole time. pat is my most best friend in the whole world and ive never had such a good friend and then when i think about losing her i ache so bad and when i tell her that she just says you sound so desperate its kinda weird.. and i feel retarded and i have other friends.. good friends and she just says remember you dont own me and it sounds like she doesnt even care about me and whenever i try to talk about something like that she gets mad and is like im so sick of tired of your whining and complaining about amy!! someone please help i dont want to lose her as a best friend ESPECIALLY to amy!! i honestly dont have a problem with anyone else she has other good friends too but its just amy..

Is it a stomach bug or something else....?? ?

So lately I have been having a stomach ache and head ache and have been feelin really week for the past two days. Today I tried playing softball but got super dizzy and almost threw up. I think it's just a stomach bug but is it like one of those 48 hour sicknesses or do I just have a bad cold. And I am 13 if that helps.

Should I just give up?

I keep doing the same sin over and over, and repent every time. God must not think it's sincere. I do it on purpose, but then regret it as soon as it's over. But whenever something tempting comes along, I ignore Jesus telling me not to do it. I don't know why I do this...I don't want to, but maybe I apologized too much and I'm not really doing anything to stop this sin..

How to align two parallel wheels?

Not quite sure in which category it belongs. I want to built a kind a large tricycle. I can weld and I want to build it out of existing bike parts. I've got most of it together, but I am a bit stuck how to make sure the two back wheels which should be parallel are indeed so. Each wheel is in a fork and I want to weld the forks on each end of a bar which will be parallel to the floor. I think I will have to build a wooden jig. I'll probably be able to muddle through, but if somebody knows of a good way to do this I'd be very interested to know.

A question about hypocrisy in Christianity today?

My opinion: you are totally correct that most churches do not follow the teachings of Jesus; they soften it up. If you hold the beliefs you hold, you'd probably be in the most similar company in a fundamentalist baptist church, or pentacostal.

What could this be or mean?

under my left armpit i have a small lump. Its only small, like a large kind of spot. Except its not a spot, its feels like a ball under my skin, and its really painful. Its not from shaving or anything. Its making my whole arm ache, especially the upper arm and it hurts when i raise it even a little, and my arm feels extrordinarily heavy. I have no idea what it is, but its not from shaving so if anyone knows what it could be, please let me know:)

My 4 year old daughter had a terrible stomach ache last night?

the pain is probally from her trouble using the bathroom talk to her doctor and see if he can give her something to help.

A question for all Christians who only believe that: "Only the Bible explains what the true gospel is".?

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.I have come that they may have life , and that they may have it more abundantly....Jesus

Question to conservatives?

In what ways are you trying to get gay people to repent for their sins and turn away from homosexuality? How is insulting them and belittling them going to get them to come to church. We must kill them with them don't insult's not what Christians do.

Am i pregnant? I and my bf had protected sex, he used condom and later he ejaculated on upper part of my body ?

I and my bf had protected sex, he used condom and later he ejaculated on upper part of my body n right after that I wiped the semen with tissue n later had shower. a week after I had my periods bleeding for 3 days. now I have frequent stomach aches does that mean am pregnant? its been 12 days since we had sex. am freaking out! help!

Does anyone else lose their appetite during their period?

I'm on my period right and I'm really not hungry at all. I have cramps as well as a stomach ache, too. Does this happen to anyone else?

What is wrong with my Mums lower leg, ankle to toes, terrible aching pain, to do with nerves?

My Mum has sore ankle, feet! The pain actually started as soon I was born, when you rub/squeeze her foot it relieves the pain, then when you stop the ache comes back? They sometimes feel a little cold to, thanks.

If i watch porn dream about having sex cuss lie and steal im not going to heaven am i?

i try my best not to do all of these things but its my age im mad at im only 11.Can someone explain this to me and is god going to destroy the world again like he did with the flood but something different.I repent now and then but sometimes i think hes given me to many chances yes i know Jesus died for our sins but i dont know.I sometimes think im satans daughter or something (does he even have a daughter??)

Coloring jig heads with a sharpie?

You couldn't put enough ink from a Sharpie on a jig to be toxic to a fish of any size. The ink is even less of a threat than the lead in the head of the jig or the paint that was used to cover it. I am uncertain as to why so many new fishermen mistakenly believe that everything we put in the water poisons the fish as if lead sinkers dissolve somehow, and inks, paints, stains, and dyes on a lure can somehow accumulate to such a degree that they will ultimately poison the fish that are unfortunate enough to swim anywhere near them. There is NO evidence to prove that ANYthing we use to paint our lures (or our boats) presents any kind of threat to fish and wildlife who use the waters of lakes and streams. To paint the heads of unfinished lead head jigs, I recommend some of the really exotic pearl colors found in the cosmetic department of most drug stores or larger department stores like Wal-Mart. Check out the selection of fingernail polishes for a great choice of color options. Then, if you need to, use the Sharpie to add features like eyes, mouth, gills, etc. It works for me, and the fish I consume regularly show NO signs of chemical poisoning. Neither do I! Go for it!

What do you really think of us?

There are only two types of people in the world. White, and "not white". You are the latter, even if you claim to be light-skinned, when a white person looks at you he sees black.

What type of jig or bait should I use to catch barracuda?

I'm going on a 6 hour fishing trip and were usually gonna catch sculpin or sock and sand bass but I want to get a bigger fish like a barracuda but I don't know which jig I should use or should I even use a jig and stick with the bait anyway and I'm gonna be fishing at night from about 6:00pm to 12:30am and I'm gonna have a glow stick attached to my line thanks for the help and please help asap

How can I bore a straight hole horrizontally?

I need to drill straight holes into my work bench for a vice. I don't wanna spend a lot of money for a jig.

How Long Do I have To Wait and Play "Mystery" With Aquarius?

Well, I'm Aquarius rising and moon, not sun, so i guess you should take this with a grain of salt, but I can't stand the mystery game. I would much rather know if she's interested in me or not. Though this could be my other signs talking hope it helped ;)

Hospital staff and doctors treated me inhumanely, feel like my lifes been sucked out?

happened over two years ago, i was awoken by a twiching feling in my head, called the nhs direct line and was told im dehydrated, i started gulping water down, thinking im dehydrated, relating the twiching feeling to the increasing head pains that occured as a result of excessive water consumption which lasted for weeks, i had all the symptoms of hyponatremia. returning to the hospital several times a day only to be told i wasnt suffering with anyone, had tests done, but i strongly disagree. the hospital staff just dont care at all, they were unprofessional and very cruel. after weeks of drinking excessive water, i believe i suffered a heart ache, again i believe i had all the symptoms of a it. again, only to be told theres nothing wrong. ever since then my life has very hard to live, my gp doesnt care about my concerns, feels like theyre all over protective of each other. I JUST WANT MY LIFE BACK.

Does Obama seriously think he's going to get re-elected?

That jig is seriously running for re-election? He's done nothing for this country. He's spent my money, took vacations, then gloated about it on late night TV. He's only stank up the whitehouse and sent us into debt. This man should be serving fried chicken in Tennessee..not running a country. Is there anyone here who seriously thinks this jig is going to get re-elected?

Are YOU a good parrot owner?

I have to answer "No" to any question that specifies "cockatiel". Aside from that, #21 is backwards. A "no" is a good answer, not a bad one. #32 is irrelevant. And #11 is a tautology - bacterial infections are caused by bacteria.

How to calm my anxious horse?

Whats your seat like? Are you up and over her or in anyway driving her? Or are you staying in a pretty neutral postition? I have had problems with horses over the years that get this way coming home because they are getting ridden right up to the tie rail and then the rider is dismounting. Big NO NO in my barn. Try stopping her and backing a few paces then going forward. Also ride her past the point where you usually get off, stop her, pat her and tell her what a beautiful wonder sweety she is (jk). Then get off her and walk her back to the tie rail. As far as bits go, until she gets over anticipating you getting off and getting to be put up, what ever bit she goes nicely in is JUST FINE!!! Although, I personally like Sheri Suurvys or Kimberwicks ~wink

God doesn't listen????

I sold my soul then repented. I've been praying to god to forgive me and asked the same thing I asked the Devil thinking I'd be happier but nothing I only got unhappier and depressed. What the f**k happened?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What is causing my wrist pain?

About a week ago, I was doing push ups to prepare for basic training in January when i noticed there was a pain in my right wrist every time I put weight on it. I let off for a few days, and it seems to have gotten about 50% better... but now my left wrist is hurting too. They both have a slight burn on the outside of my hand. My left hand doesn't hurt from weight, it just slightly aches and slightly burns. My right hand still hurts a little when I put my weight on it, and has the same weird burn or tingle on the top of my hand and wrist. I have full range of motion otherwise, and there are absolutely no tinder spots anywhere. I know self diagnosis is bad, but I want to know what I'm up against before I save up the money for a doctor visit. I'm seriously considering doing the SEAL program, so I need this to get better if at all possible. I'm 18, if age is a factor.

Why do i have high ankle pain?

Yesterday I did my average 20 minute run on the treadmill, and some interval training (sprinting, running, jogging,lunges) on the track. None of this is new to me but, this morning I woke up with pain right above my outside ankle bone on my right leg. It made it extremely difficult to walk. There is no swelling, and the pain is a severe ache. Could it just be bad shin splints?

Okay Heres For You Nice Preachers?

Im Well Gayy Kindaaa OK Nd I have a promblemm i dont to be i wanna go heaven nd i sin i pray and repent my sins alot But i dont wanna go down i love god i accepted in him in my life i love himm.....

How can I catch bigger largemouth bass?

I fish a lot in a bass pond, and normally catch about 10-12 inch largemouth bass. My friend, who fishes in the pond says theres 4ft pike in the pond, and she has pictures of her catching really big bass. She also is curious why im not catching these bigger using the bait she recommends, which is fake black worms and leeches. I also use spinner baits, and other jigs. Any suggestions on new baits, techniques or areas to fish??? Thanks!!

Demons, Priests, Wheelchairs?

U are feeling acute insecurity, fear of failure, depression, frustration and no way to decide for ur future. Just dreaming of the given circumstances

She drove me home after the show?

well she was either joking but probley not because she sounds like she has low self esteam and trys to cover up her body so i think she really likes you. try talking to her more but dont get obsessive

In March, does it matter what time of the day you go bass fishing, or are they active at only a certain time?

Hello. Tomorrow I'm thinking of walking up to a local cemetery to do some bass fishing in a small pond they have. Around here its been pretty cold lately. Air temperature has been mainly around 40 degrees. I don't think the bass have started spawning yet. What time of the day at this time of the year will the bass hit best, or will they hit at anytime since the temperature mainly stays the same? I'm thinking of using a rat-l-trap on one pole and a jig n pig on another. Any other lure suggestions? Thanks. I'm not a genius when it comes to pre-spawn bass fishing.

LGBT- Why is there so much hate around here?

It's an internet board. There's relative anonymity and little in the way of consequences. Do you really expect things to be different? This is what people are like in general: mean, spiteful, hateful, and so on. Mediums like these give them an opportune chance to showcase that.

Where can i buy clothes that fit skinny tall people?

im 14 and in 8th grade. Im about 5'4 but im 96 pounds. i eat like no other but i cant gain wait. i have a super short torso and SUPER long legs. I cant seem to find jeans that fit me in the right length but fit in thys and butt. i have tried american eagle but all there jeans that fir me in the butt and legs dont fit in lenght, and the ones that do fit in length are super baggy in the legs and butt. and i HATE skinny jeans or jigging's. i love boot cut jeans that i can wear over a pair of keds. my friend is the same way so she gets her pants tailored to fit her but i cant afford that. i have tried holister and ambercromie too but i have the same problem over and over agian. wet seal has 1 pair of jeans that really fit but there a little to skinny for me. i NEEDsuggestionss, i am tierd of wearing boots with jeans everyday cause my jeans are to short and its raining almost everyday so shorts, skirts and dresses are out o the question. is there anything that can fit my body type?

What causes the front plows to jig up and down on a farmall C tractor when they should be in the up positition?

this problem is only on the front plows. The rear plows remain up as they should when the control lever is in the raised position. I don't even know if this is an adjustment problem or a repair problem.

So I went fishing today and smoked a Blue Dream-packed doober with a friend of mine?

Beautiful... did he mention anything about his Floridian cousins eating baby gators? You gonna have a conversation with some reds or some mangrove snapper?

Lipoma's in a teenager?

I have three firm but movable lumps in both of my thighs directly on my hamstring under the skin. I fear its a cancerous growth because the info i have found on Lipomas say they occur in middle aged people and are soft. I have also had swollen lymph nodes and aches in my abdomen as well as lower back. Any help/advice is much appreciated!?

What is a T4 and T3 test used for in a patient with no thyroid?

I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer in 2007, the doctors took out my thyroid and then treated me with an I-131 radiation treatment, in december of 2007. After that my TSH was all over the map. In 2009 having random blood test my thyroglobulin level was increasing and my TSH was decreasing again my oncologist felt that another dose of the I-131 radiation treatment was the way to go. now two years later i have been having some of the same symptom as before: extreme fatigue, out of control body temperature, sore throat, ear aches, thought process is not there.... etc

The Corrs: Irish music?

I don't have any specific information abou the corrs but i do have a suggestion. If you like the fast beat/irish influence then you should definately check out flogging molly if you haven't ever listened to them. I suggest looking into the album drunken lullabys first.

Ankle and foot painful after running?

For a bout a year now I get this mild sprained ankle pain on my ankle and top side of my foot after I go running. Some times I get mild bruises at the top of my foot. I have rested it twice for 6 weeks at a time but it still occurs. I use an ankle sports support sock- it still aches after even a small run. I've just joined a gym and the reason I joined it was for the treadmills so what should I do?

Can I do this painting?

I like art work and like this picture of Egyptian waterfall on jig-zone and I know it says picture copyright but if I just did not put the clouds in will I still get fined thousands of pounds?

Why does it hurt after sex?

so me and my boyfriend have both been given each other yeast infections for a while now and we have both had the pill for it yet i think ive had it again. everytime me and my boyfriend have sex after it burns and we get belly pains and i get a dull ache blow inside. but apart from when we have sex and just after we are both fine and no other symptoms. i herd that yeast infections can travel up inside you. any ideas?

Is not speaking to bad family members for the sake of ur iman good..........?

Those who bring u down, and doesn't let u practice the religion, u should avoid them, and tell them, what ur going through, etc.

I keep taking other people's medication?

Taking random pills without prescription could be dangerous. I think you should try to resist the urge as much as possible and seek some professional help. Being put on the right pills or given some other form of therapy may help you.

Do you think Japan and China can have an alliance like European Union or NATO?

Do you think its possible China will drop this idea "Japan never repent/paid for its war crimes" and Japan can drop this idea "China is a threat and we must contain it" and have an economic and military pan-Asian alliance, along with Korea? Where the tri-Asian nations will station some troops in China and determined by foreign policies of all three nations?

Does God allow fat chicks into the kingdom of heaven?

According to the bible it is a sin to be obese so does God toss fat chicks into the lake of fire unless they repent and lost weight?

I feel very weird lately, someone please give me some advice.?

After my vomiting on the 5 June, I feel very weird until now; my stomach churns a lot, and at times I felt nausea, but don't feel like puking, but I don't have diarrhea or stomach aches. I have been to the doctor who says that it was due to me eating unhealthy food, and I am under some medication which aids in digestion that had made me feel better. But being a student now, I do not feel very comfortable every time I go to school, and I dun seem to like the food served in my canteen. Furthermore, I just feel like staying at home forever, and I suddenly disliked travelling. Why? Is this some phobia or something like that?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Rod for jigging walleye?

I'm looking for a rod to use for jigging walleye. I want a rod that is sensitive but durable to fight the big one. Please give me some suggestions on some rods and include brand names. Leave out the 200$ ones cause that's outta my price range. Also I'm pretty limited to where I can shop because of location.

Does God forgives a sinner even if that sinner does not repent?

In one of the answers I read here some many said that we must forgive those who sinned against us even though they don't ask for forgiveness. They said that God forgave those who nailed him to the cross event though these people never repented. If that is so, why do we need to repent our sins then to God? All of us will go to heaven since we will all be forgiven.

What am I sick with help me diagnose myself?

Please help me diagnose myself, I have really bad body aches, I can't stand up without my head pulsing with pain, I get wave upon wave of nausea but I suspect that it is because of slime in my sore throat. Thanks in advance.

I'm here to drop some knowledge on you phools, big willie style?

This universe is a creation. Stop hatin and start participatin. Stop with this nasty fear fulled sh!t. It's time to believe in Jesus and to love God and love your fellow man as yourself. Repent and Represent!

Why do ATHEISTS fail to understand simple things?

why do you even bother asking this question? you're just wasting another minute of your time. plain and simple, Atheists just have a one track mind. They don't believe in God, gods, deities etc etc... Let's just leave them alone. if there is one thing that they believe it's what they're so called "reality". God is only waiting for them to open their hearts. if they don't, then that is up to them and what are they gonna do with it. Just stand up to what you believe and leave other's business alone. If that is what they want, fine. end of conversation, Period.

Demonic is all Religions All read Jer.10:14-15-21 & Jer.51:17-18-23?

Since you recognize God's authority, obey the Church He founded when He was on Earth - The One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church.He guides and corrects it and is present in all the tabernacles of the world.

Am i depressed or not>?

not at all.depressed people never actually knw wht de exactly u r expressing all ur feelings here u r certainly nt depressed rather u r fed up of something andmaking urself confused.very first throw out tht thought frm ur mind tht ur family has depression so u'll b hvng...and very frankly speaking visit doctor and open up ur feeling 2 him..

I didn't enjoy sex with him is this normal?

I am sure that there is nothing wrong with you. For women, sex is much more than a physical experience (in most cases, anyways). For whatever reason you just weren't feeling it with him, maybe he was too rough or was too worried about getting there himself to consider if hew as pleasing you or not, maybe he didn't care either way. Point being, it was him not you. I would suggest not sleeping with him again, or anyone else for that matter until you know they will treat you respectfully before, during, and after sex. Best of luck :)

Questions about the Catholic faith?

To understand Catholicsm vs. Christianity, we must understand the history. After Jesus Christ, Peter and Paul were the leaders of the Church in the first century. After them, Chrisianity spread to Antioch, Alexandria, and Rome. In Antioch, a leader named Ignatius was the first to use the Greek word katholikos, which means universal. Katholikos is where the word “catholic” comes from. In Rome, Christianity was banned until Constantine legalized it in 313. He then integrated the pagan beliefs of worshiping Mary, the saints, sacraments, lent, etc. This made “Chrisianity” more aceptable to the general public and where “Catholicism” was born. Over the years, Rome has used their followers of “Catholicism” to give them political, military, and social power. On the other hand, other groups of “Christianity” disagreed with their pagan beliefs as well as their use of religion to gain power. This is why we get so many Christian denominations. All of this is explained in detail in my articles: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a God Bless.

I think i have a separated rib?

ok, last year i was a tad drunk, and had the stupid idea to attempt a back flip off a trampoline, as you can guess i failed badly, i landed with my back on the metal edge of the trampoline and the fell off again onto a ceramic plant pot,. i went to the doctor he said it's most definitively a broken rib, but apparently he couldn't do much because my rib cage needs to move in order to breath, he assured me it will heal in around 2 months if i take it easy. a year later it still aches, it pops when i bend to the side and my girlfriend says there is a definite difference between both sides. so what i'm wondering is, is it possible to separate a rib from the spine and if so what will fix it? also if it's impossible to separate a rib from the spine what else could it be? cheers

What are good lures for bass and walleye?

Walleye fishing- I see you have shad raps, but try Reef Runners, there are different sizes that allow you to go different depths of water. Your also more likely to catch bigger Walleye that way... Also going with just a plain old lindy rig with 2 hooks and a worm works good. You could also put a spinner on there... I suggest either a greenish or yellowish color.

Jig heads for bluegill fishing?

Where can I get a great quality jig head for going bluegill fishing? I'm looking for a micro sized jig in a 1/100 ounce. A good price is a factor too.

Do you think i need counciling to get over my ex ?

my ex and i where going out for five months and then out of the blue my friend txted me and told me he saw my boyfriend at the time holding hands with another girl . so i txted him and told him i wanted a break for the summer and he said ok i love you and then a week later he chang's his status to say that hes with the new girl on facebook so basically i got dumped over facebook. when i had to txted him for the break i was so upset txting him that , that i felt like cutting myself ( but thankfully i didn't) i felt so sick for weeks after the break up. I thought for weeks and i still feel like i failed and that i didn't no how to fight for him but then i realized that i have to let him go , i no i love him but there's only so much heart ache i can take and it feels like i have no heart . i find it hard to connect with other guys ( we broke up in april and its now june) one guy asked me out on a date but even the thought of it made me feel guilty . i think about him constantly and dream about him when in my heart i no that i have ta let him go , he doesn't love me i get that , so why is it so hard for me to get over my ex ?

Will Methadone help me break my addiction? Please help me?

Well, its used to break addictions so, I guess it could help, but you will get addicted to it, so I dont know

I'm 14, could this be diabetes or hormones?

For as long as I can remember I've always had bad stomach aches and nausea. I'm 14 now, and they have defiantly gotten worse. I get really sore and my arms and legs feel tingly at times, I get so dizzy and I feel off balance like I could fall over, and I feel weak a lot. I also have a really irregular period and down there I have this white stuff that itches once in awile but even when I take pill to get rid of a yeast infection it doesn't go away. Sometimes I do have some heartburn and my doctor has me on acid reflux meds but I had an upper endoscopy done and they said everything looked fine so I should get off that medicine. My period is usually every 48 days and I always feel horrible around then. I've also had some trouble sleeping as I wake up a few times. What could this be?

Why bother to pray for something? Really.?

Even though God has a plan, He expects us to trust Him. If your trust is not where it should be for His plan to come to pass, then He may choose to try you in the fire. When you pray for something, you are INVITING God to help you. Keep the faith. Keep praying and reading His Word.

How do you introduce a new Spider to the crowd...would you follow this tale and CC?

Yowee sis, I have so missed the Spider chronicles. Yippee. This was a tale well spun, even if it needs edit as you say. This made my day. Thanks.

My bad luck in health this past month?

ok so about a month ago i got sick with a cold and had all the cold symtoms like fever, tiredness, plugged nose or sneezing. then after the fever passed i felt like i had gotten alergies because my throat would itch and my eyes would itch and my nose would always plug up. then i get a really bad tooth ache and go to the dentist and find out i have to get my very back right bottom tooth pulled because i have a cavity down to the nerve. so there is a period were i am taking cold pills and ibiphrofen and benadrill and sometimes tylanol. then i find white little dots on my tonsils and i think i had or still have strep throat. anyway like a couple weeks ago i got my tooth pulled but really i am wondering if i have strep or alergies. right now i have an itchy throat, itchy eyes, sneezing, and plugged up nose. also if it means anything in the past week i have been getting a sharp headache feeling like when i get up after sitting for a while and it throbs and i feel dizzy but then it goes away. i also feel tired alot. so yeah tell me what you think. should i go to the doctor? also do you think if i had strep or still have it if it could have infected my tooth hole since i got it pulled. and also if it helps i am a girl and 16 years old.

My turtle is sick!?!??!?

i also have a red ear slider it normal he just has a random burst of energy is when he is withdrawn and wont eat or really move that yosadfgu should be concerned

How do I drill a hole straight through a pipe?

I often want to drill holes straight through pipes for bolts and such. Most of the time the hole on the other side will be left or right, up or down from the original hole. Without expensive jigs and all, how does one do that consistently? (I have a drill press & it helps with the up and down displacement, but not the left to right displacement).

Really bad ear pain!?

i took debrox for the past 2 days because my ear canals are really small (thanks to my mom) and they are full of wax and now i have a really really bad ear ache and i cant hear.My mom says that she is going to take me to the doctor at 10 but the pain is so bad that im crying and im getting a headace. Is there anything i can do for the pain until i go to the doctor??

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Strongly request, only followers of ISLAM reply with supporting Hadiths n Quotes !! STATUS FOR VICTIM OF RAPE.?

The punishment for adultery is death bro? Damn that is harsh. So does that mean that a regretful rapist can be pardoned while a consenting adult can be put to death? That doesn't sound like any kind of justice to me.

Do I have a sinus infection?

I had an especially bad bout of a cold/flu that lasted about a week. My doctor gave me antibiotics to be used ONLY if I developed a "secondary infection." The flu is gone, but my nose is now runny, I have pressure on the sides of my nose, my temples and neck ache, and I'm sneezing. I still have a lingering cough and some discolored mucus. Do you think this is a now a sinus/secondary infection? Should I take the antibiotics?

Question about the rapture?

As far as I know, on Judgement Day God will send all those that didn't believe in Him straight to hell. I highly doubt that He would give anyone He sent to hell a second chance.

Dear British: Is a big deal being made of Mr. Obama's inadvertent faux pas during Her Majesty's toast?

His detractors here in the States are dancing a jig. I would have been nervous, too, in the presence of such a cold, icy woman-no offense taken. I so prefer the late Queen Mother. She was a good one!

How do i transform a jig into a reel and vice versa?

can anyone explain how i would transform a jig in 6/8 time signature into a reel in 4/4 time signature and also vice versa?? thanks

What are some home remedy's to help back pain?

i have trouble getting comfortable in bed at night because of my back and it hurts after i do intense workouts and it has aches a lot which causes me to have headaches

My bad luck in health right now?

ok so about a month ago i got sick with a cold and had all the cold symtoms like fever, tiredness, plugged nose or sneezing. then after the fever passed i felt like i had gotten alergies because my throat would itch and my eyes would itch and my nose would always plug up. then i get a really bad tooth ache and go to the dentist and find out i have to get my very back right bottom tooth pulled because i have a cavity down to the nerve. so there is a period were i am taking cold pills and ibiphrofen and benadrill and sometimes tylanol. then i find white little dots on my tonsils and i think i had or still have strep throat. anyway like a couple weeks ago i got my tooth pulled but really i am wondering if i have strep or alergies. right now i have an itchy throat, itchy eyes, sneezing, and plugged up nose. also if it means anything in the past week i have been getting a sharp headache feeling like when i get up after sitting for a while and it throbs and i feel dizzy but then it goes away. i also feel tired alot. so yeah tell me what you think. should i go to the doctor? also do you think if i had strep or still have it if it could have infected my tooth hole since i got it pulled. and also if it helps i am a girl and 16 years old.

My knees hurt when i run/exercisee?

When i run my knees(sometimes one, sometimes both) start aching. They hurt ad after i am limping when i walk. I play field hockey and lacrosse. And ski and snowboard in the winter. I run almost 4 times a week. Im a 14 year old girl and im about 5 3ish. Should i see a docter for those knee brace things or whatt? Thankss!

Feeling heartbroken, lost and empty...?

Why do i feel like this? Someone your so close to and and you feel like they dont care anymore. I made some stupid mistakes in the past year and now that ive copped on and realise what ive done....i feel like ive lost him/her because of it. That person still talks to me but were not the same and i miss it so much! I'm aching inside. What do i do?

Bulging hand vein.. Please answer?

My left hand has this one vein tht will bulge more than all the others. It looks worse than my right hand veins! And its not even the whole vein it kinda bulges more in the middle then thins out almost like theres a lump from appearance but there is not bc it is soft.... This all started after the nurse tried to get an IV in tht vein when i was in labor.... Ever since ive noticed this vein get lots bigger than usual... It use to ache too but i havent had tht lately... Just the extreme bulge when im hot or hold my arms down which i know is normal but is the vein being like tis normal or could the IV have caused the damage?? I'm only 19 and i've never been overweight or had any health problems other than anxiety! Advice please?

What are the odds of catching a rish in a goofy situation?

has anyone ever cast a lure over a obstacle in the water jigged it up and down and a fish jumped out of the water to grab it and landed the fish

What's wrong with me?

My body acts like it's hungry then when I eat I get this huge stomach ache and it won't go away. It's been like this for about 3 days now.

I'm trying to repent over lust, but it's driving me insane?

I understand nobody is perfect, but doesn't God want us to follow him? I am working on the 10 commandments and 7 deadly sins right now and trying to not do them more and more everyday but the most difficult one is lust. I get very depressed every time I think about not lusting, because it feels like instead of having pleasure I am suffering. Any words of wisdom?

I'm confused about Christianity, help please Christians?

I just want you to breathe and then think for a minute. Why would a God who created the universe be so concerned about human problems such as drinking and sex then throw you in Hell for all eternity to burn forever. Its illogical and barbaric and is something you shouldnt fear.

Could i be pregnant? or just making myself think i am?

Could be the pill, or you could be pregnant. If you had read the directions for your pills you would have known that it takes up to 3 months for the pill to become effective. You can't pop one pill and expect it to keep you safe.

So, i have been having this problem for quite a while, and i was wondering if anyone knows what's wrong?

sometimes my vagina gets like this aching sensation and not a satisfying one at all and it feels like i have to pee all the time but when i do go it'll only come out as a tiny droplet or nothing at all. It goes away after a few days but it would randomly come back. oh and sometimes after I've gone a while without having sex and then when I have sex the same problem. does anyone know what this might be?? I wanna get a checkup but not until i have an idea of what it is, and i have NO IDEA what it is :( i need some help. and advice.

Braces are killing me!!!!!!!!?

i got my braces tightened about 2 weeks ago, a wire was sticking into my gum at the end and my dad sniped it of with some pillar thing a ma jig's , now the wire all of a sudden has grown back and literally i cant touch the end of it? i think its grown into my gum. my gum is really inflamed and im in extreme pain! please help me

Christians, have you metaphorically repented? Have you metaphorically followed...?

the metaphorical 10 commandments? Have you believed in the metaphorical crucifixion and metaphorical resurrection of Jesus? Since everything is getting so metaphorical for you.

Should I just give up trying not to sin?

Obviously I'm doing this sin on purpose (although I regret it after) and I can't seem to stop it. God probably gets tired of me repenting for the same sin over and probably knows I'm not sincere. How can I be more sincere in repentance? Or should I just stop trying not to sin?

For fishing for Smallmouth Bass on Lake Michigan, what hardbaits are best?

On Lake Michigan, with the water warming up the smallies are starting to come in towards shore to spawn. I know tubes, finesse worms, and finesse jigs are essentials, but what about hardbaits? Which hardbaits are best to catch these smallmouth?

I need some help with irish dance?

When I first started dancing, I was the best in the class. My teacher loved me, and I was such a good dancer. But that was like 5 years ago, and now I'm not doing as well as I would like.. I'm not the best in the class.. I try to work on my steps at home, but some of them are so hard for me! I HATE and can't do my slip jig or hornpipe at ALL. I am going to another 2 and 1/2 hour, much more intense dance class on the weekends, but things just aren't enough. What else can I do? Do you have any drills or anything I can work on at home for like up on your toes, turn out, etc? Thanks sooo much - I'd really appreciate it.

Best color and rig for a crappie jig?

I guess there's a lot of crappie out in the bay, and I've never actually caught crappie on purpose before.

Best songs to jig to?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Crappie jigs and where to get them?

Where can I get a good quality micro sized jig head for going crappie fishing? I'm looking for a 1/100 ounce size.Any help would be appreciated.

Has America lost its moral compass?

Once, undocumented immigrants could come to America in hopes of finding a better life. Now, they are greeted with hate and bullets before they even make it across the border. I fear the consequences of a nation turning its back on God. Will you join me in a National Day of Repenting and Visualizing Social Justice?

What's a philosophy or religion that states we should embrace pain as a formative experience?

I thought maybe taoism did but it doesn't seem to. Do any philosophical systems or religions believe in turning pain into inner strength? I'm not talking about flagellation to repent for your original sin I'm talking about the idea that pain should not necessarily be avoided.

Is this an okay short story? its for my coursework - original writing?

Okay umm wow. I usually don't care how long questions are but this time I gotta say way too long. But read quite a bit of it. From what I read it was extraordinary writing.

Female Question- First period?

Its impossible to tell(like you said) but i had the same thing at her age and didnt get mine until i was almost 14!!

Christians, Do we really understand the depth and responsibilities that come with repentance?

How many of us are willing to admit that after we repent from our sins, we go right back to repeat the folly ?

In the middle of my back I have a lot of pain. What is this?

It doesn't hurt when I'm standing but whenever I'm sitting or bending over it really bothers me. When I bend my mom says it looks swollen? It is right in the middle of my spine. Please help. It is not horrific pain but it aches and hurts a lot

Athesests- Need help getting right with Gods, need repentance had enoug h off the (alleged) wrongful life? l?

I suppose that minimal intelligence is required to differentiate between an actual question vs a self righteous rant with a question mark tacked on the end.

Repentance and forgiveness in didn't religions?

According to all of these religions, if you repent (turn from doing your crime) then you may be accepted into the paradise (heaven). Forgiveness I know is in Judaism and Christianity, but I do not know about Islam.

My head, arms, legs, back, thigh aches..?

i'm 14 years old, i have pains and it really troubles's been a long time now. it's not some kind of serious problem is it?pls tell me not. I'm really's a kind of pain you get when you do exercise but i don't exercise. and sometimes a sharp pain would shot through my arm to my thumb. pls. tell me it's not serious

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hey, I just got out of a 7 month relationship and I don't know what to do?

I am about to go to college after the summer ends and I am trying to figure things out because it is different of not having my ex part of my day. I really am at lost and I am trying to figure out what is the best thing to do right now. I really ache to see her every second, but I know that I have to move on so she can be happy. Are there any suggestions how I can get through this till college comes?

READ!! MIGHT GIVE POINTS! What is the differnce between a casting rod, spinning rod, lite rod, and jigging rod?

A casting rod has a closed faced reel. A spinning rod has an open face. A light rod is what you use for small game fish etc. Crappie, perch, sunfish. A jigging rod is a small rod used for ice fishing and is mainly used in a vertical action up and down to move the hook up and down

Is it a stomach bug or something else....?? ?

So lately I have been having a stomach ache and head ache and have been feelin really week for the past two days. Today I tried playing softball but got super dizzy and almost threw up. I think it's just a stomach bug but is it like one of those 48 hour sicknesses or do I just have a bad cold. And I am 13 if that helps.

Atheists: What if God told you...?

that He sent me as His representative to tell you that the Bible is true, and that you must repent of your evil ways and turn to Him?

I can't understand what's going on with my health?

I'm a 41 year old female that has always been healthy until about a year ago. I am overweight, but I don't drink or smoke and last year I started eating healthy and losing the excess weight..The problems started with sore throat that has never gone away, along with the sore throat I had an aching body (similar to light flu symptoms).I have been to the GP who has told me I have acid reflux but the medication I took made no difference whatsoever.Saw a consultant and did some test and discovered I had a small hernia and H.Pylori. I was given triple therapy(antibiotics) for the H.Pylori which I completed but the symptoms of a sore throat persist. When my sore throat feels really sore my ears get affected and I find my hearing muffled. Several times I have had the glands behind one of my ears swell up considerably for a few days at a time then they settle.Now I have started hearing clicking sounds from various parts of my body but for the past 10 ten days every time I walk I have an almost continuous clicking sound coming from my foot or knee (I am not sure which) which is so annoying. I have no swelling or direct pain but tenderness which could be what I have been mistaking for a sore body for the last few months.This afternoon the inside of my left arm is red and very hot to the touch. I know something is wrong but my previous GP has not diagnosed me so I have now just moved to a new GP after being with the previous GP for a year and a half and having no concrete diagnosis . On Monday I am seeing the Ear Nose and Throat specialist,and I want to request that my GP gets me to do a full and comprehensive blood test.I did a bone density scan a few months ago and I got the all clear, I did a full blood count beginning of last year and I got the all clear, so I have no idea what is going on with me healthwise. I know my immune system is compromised as I have facial warts (not very visible unless you look closely, if anything they look like tiny pimples) and that is a sign of an immune system that is weak otherwise the body would have fought off the herpes virus (which is what facial warts is). What can I do to get to the bottom of this? GP's seem to be clueless and in the year that I have had the symptoms, I keep getting additional symptoms that do not go away, I am really worried as I have always been healthy with only very minor issues that I managed to cure very fast. Any insights would be helpful.

Would it be fair to say to our liberal "friends" that the jig is up with the "Change We Can Believe In" scam?

I am still surprised by the amount of Obama bumper stickers i see, these people are holding on to hope and change like it was money in their pockets instead of money going out of their pockets.

Do you see how people who believe in Christianity (and all it's branches of beliefs), act brainwashed?

A majority of them do act that way. Just look at how they get upset whenever there is an attempt at giving equal rights to gays. Why is that? It is because they believe and accept in a blind manner whatever their religious tell them.

Have you ever felt the need to Repent? if so, what were the circumstances?

Every day I feel the need to repent. I have stopped many major sins but I still have impure thoughts of women, and I still get angry and let that anger show instead of being still and knowing that God is working and teaching me through every annoying situation that comes my way.

Who can cut out wisdom teeth and take my PA access card?

Have had my wisdom teeth for about a year they are half way through my gums but still impacted and infected the ER told me. I need to get the one cut out but I have havin the hardest time finding a oral surgeon that will take my Pennsylvania access card. I am missing work over the pain i need them out asap cant keep gettin head aches and ear aches and my throat is so sore it needs done asap! any suggestions??? l

Relationship stuff, help lol?

So I am throwing a "mini-prom" type thing for my gf because her prom this year sucked, she took a guy that she was just friends with, she paid for everything, the limo, the tux, her dress, the whole nine yards, then as soon as her and her date got to prom he bailed and chased after this girl he had a crush on. Anyways, I was supposed to have a dj there but he ended up finding a jig that offered more pay so he bailed, even after I offered to increase what I'd pay him, so how should I go about this, the dance is Friday!! Help???

Dear atheists, a question for you!?

At first, I assumed they were just trying to scare me, but I realized later they really believed it, which is worse. It's worse not only because of the whole delusional aspect of it, but also because it's basically an admission that they behave like normal, peaceful people only out of fear of being tortured for all eternity after they die.

Could Stephen Hawking be qualified to be called a Prophet- not a false one, but a poor one?

No he is a scientist when he metions god he is trying to make science easier for dumb theists to understand

Do I need to go to the doctor for a second ear infection?

I had swimmer's ear in my left ear with my eardrum still intact, which I found out when I went to the doctor. She prescribed me ear drops, which I was supposed to use for 7 days. 2 days later, it completely went from my left ear and started in my right ear. Now it is on the EXACT same track -- day 1: feels like I "pulled" my ear. day 2: hurts, ear itches. day 3: worst pain of all of the days (the day I'm on right now) day 4: the top of my ear stops hurting, but the inside is still moderately painful. day 5: same as day 4. day 6: pretty much completely gone. I started taking ear drops for my left ear (1st ear) on day 5. When I got the ear ache in my right ear, I started taking them on day 2. But nothing has changed. Day 3 is still the worst pain yet. The only difference I can tell is that when I put the drops in my left ear I didn't really notice they were there after a minute or so after I got up, but in my right ear it feels like there were too many drops put in and it's clogging my ear, even though I'm putting in 4 like I always have. Do I need to go to the doctor for this, or can I just keep putting drops in my ear and it will go away.

A question about Christianity today?

Does a pig know that he is dirty? It goes the same to too many " christians " who bathe in sins and can hardly know it. The hardcore sins you mentioned have become " acceptable " to society. We become afraid to raise our voice and denounce what is anti scriptural. We read of Sodom & Gomorrah but, this era is here again today. Regardless of any social pressure or any political agenda a group may have, one thing remains for sure "... My Words will not pass " said Jesus.

Something's wrong with me...?! (again)?

So yesterday I didn't eat ANYTHING. At all. This is especially weird for me because I am a HUGE eater (but i get physical exersize so i'm not overweight or anything) i was hungry but something told me not to eat. All i had yesterday was a bit of monster and water. I woke up twice last night because of extreme hunger pains buty body is telling me not to eat!! I ate cereal this morning (less than a cup) and had a huge stomach ache... Help me please...

Tackle box that fits me?

i have lots of catfish bait i love bass fishing so it means i have a lot of lures swimbaits spinners and etc. i trout fish which means i have alot of rooster tails and jigs i crappie fish i have lots of hooks and weights i need some room. to simple it up i do serious catfishing i love bassfishing i fish for carp crappie trout walleye and more please find a tackle box that fits me

Can a stacked of 1.5mm sheet metal clamped and located on a jig be milled for internal profiles?

Because my concern is the sheet metal will not be stable and can possibly produce inaccurate cutting dimensions.

Was this to give the heinous hate murderers a chance to repent b4 they die?

There are Peoples permitted to sin in Alma 14:11, so that the judgments on them will be just...butt in Acts chapters 4 and Acts chapters 5, St. Peter does not let these sinners continue to live in sin?

Pressure/dull ache under right rib?

this started about 10 days ago,firstly with a pressure type,dull ache feeling under my right rib,this feeling didn't leave and my symptoms progressed further, i totaly lost my apetite,my tummy feels bloated and i keep feeling i need to burp and pass wind! when i do eat i get a severe cramping at the top of my stomach right under the centre of my rib cage,when i try to swallow food feels as though it's getting stuck,the pain seems to have started to ease but i have right shoulder pain as well now!!! HELPPPPPP!!!!!

I've been feeling paranoid about pregnancy lately?

Okay out of the blue my mom says "U better not get pregnant" which makes me start getting paranoid about it. Ever since I've been feeling weird and have a stomach ache from it. Also my nipples are slightly sensative. Note i didnt feel ANY of this before my mom said it or me looking up the early signs. I hadnt had sex for over two weeks so I took a p test and it was negative. Whats up with me?

Am i close to getting my period???!!! PLEASE help!?

I'm 11. My mom got her period when she was 11. Ive had discharge for about 7 months. i first got the discharge on my birthday in 2010 which was December 1st.My hips have grown a lot wider (i went from a size 8 slim in jeans to a size 12 slim!) and i have curves now. Im really moody and have been getting bad lower stomache aches. My mom says that the 'period zone' and that i will get it sometime this summer but idk i just wanna make sure. So yeah i go through these wierd mood swings and gained 20 pounds in about 4 months! My chest has grown up 1 bra size, now im a 34A. I had this growth spurt and got like an inch taller. So when do you think ill get my period? thanks in advance!

So, now that our nation is living "hand to mouth", what do you think we want to happen to us?

They are taking the pensions in attempt to get the workers to place political pressure on Congress. Geitner is using US workers pensions to squeeze them and play them like puppets.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to treat sore calfs, thighs, back, and upper arms?

I had 3 hours of volleyball yesterday and I hadn't played in a while so today I'm aching like crazy. I put bengay everywhere and want to know what else I should do, because today I have 3 more hrs. of volleyball. Should I stretch? put on an ice pack? heating pad? etc..?

PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU LIKE THIS STORY? it's about my bear attack?? it's not done yet?

Nah, I didn't really like it. It was too drawn out. There is no way a little girl could outrun a bear for 10 minutes. Also, she would have felt the pain, then not felt the pain, then everything would go black.

Do Christians realize that without baptism for the dead the majority of humanity would be in hell?

Do you realize that we are all dead before being baptized? Because of Adam we were born spiritually dead. No way to go to heaven until we are born again of the water and the Spirit.

Unpardonable sin, what can do about it?

Hey Pearl its me Dane, I just want to ask Im always disturbed by this evil thought towards the Holy Spirit, I think they are Gone. I want to repent but i think its too late, everytime i had hope this evil thoughts came, every time I ate or Drink I can't say the name of Jesus that's why it devours me.

Christians: Did you come to believe in Jesus before you were told about him?

Did you believe in the pranked lottery winners before you saw them on TV? Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. That would be the Bible. I accepted Jesus as my Saviour when I realized He was very real, still is and always will be in my life. Reading the Bible, hearing great sermons and songs of Jesus and His love, to desire to have a loving Saviour to believe in, and hope for things I havent seen yet. If you were ever to be in the presence of a true child of God, when we are in praise time, if you werent so doubtful, you would see, winning a lottery ticket, is nothing compared to the joy, blessings and love that comes by praising God, for He inhabits the praise of His children. When the Holy Spirit floods my soul, dear one, I am rich, I am loved, I am His Child forever. Then I get a praise-filled and thankful spirit and I got to let it out. Dude, I dont know Bill or Ted, but I hope they had an excellent adventure. My journey has been outstanding! Wouldnt trade it for anything!

Will my rig work for stocked trout?

I'm fishing on spinning gear and rigged my pole last night for later today. I've got a sliding bobber, a small octopus hook (a gamakatsu, I'm pretty sure it's like a #4), and below that a marabou jig, so I can swim the worms around like on a dropshot rig. The biggest reason I put the jig on is to add weight. I'll be fishing a small pond and with that little bit of weight I'll be able to cover pretty much the entire pond.


first pregnancy, not moved out of bed all day. extreme back ache, headache & stomach cramps. Whatever ive ate for the past 3 days ive threw back up, managed to keep down a slice of toast even juice is making me barf, but the thought of drinking just water makes my mouth water with sicky type saliva. (I reallly dont like water). I dont know if ive got a bug or theres something wrong. Help?! :'(