Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pulmonary Embolism question?

I had bi-lateral pulmonary embolisms 5 months ago post-op and was hospitalized for a few days. My symptoms were 9/10 pain, could not move due to pain, shortness of breath, low sats, tachycardia, etc... The Doc said the pain should go away within 4-6 weeks. Since then, I have had the usual "zingers" of extreme pain which only last for a few seconds, and an ache of about 2-3/10 pain which comes and goes almost on a daily basis. But I have also occasionally been having signs of new PE's as well. This has happened about 3-4 times over the last 5 months, each time getting worse. Yesterday I had the *exact* same symptoms as my original PE with 9/10 pain, dyspnea, shortness of breath, etc... and But here is the kicker. These "attacks" are temporary and yesterdays episode only lasted about 10 minutes or so and left as quickly as it came. These are debilitating and cannot move or breath while I have them. I have to sit in a semi-tripod position and take very short, shallow breaths to keep the pain down. I have been treated for pleurisy (which I don't meet the criteria for but willing to try anything) and cannot distinguish the symptoms between my original PE and these episodes. However, I know that symptoms of a PE don't just "go away" like mine have been. I really feels like I have a sudden blockage of my vessel which breaks loose and allows blood flow again. Perhaps scar tissue or left over PE, I have no idea but am a Paramedic/Firefighter and return to work this week and CANNOT have this problem while on duty. My Doc doesn't know what is going on (she has referred me to yoga and acupuncture. I am looking for a new Doc right now) and need to get this problem fixed. I have searched the internet tirelessly and haven't found anything remotely comparable to my symptoms. Any thoughts?

How to align two parallel wheels?

Not quite sure in which category it belongs. I want to built a kind a large tricycle. I can weld and I want to build it out of existing bike parts. I've got most of it together, but I am a bit stuck how to make sure the two back wheels which should be parallel are indeed so. Each wheel is in a fork and I want to weld the forks on each end of a bar which will be parallel to the floor. I think I will have to build a wooden jig. I'll probably be able to muddle through, but if somebody knows of a good way to do this I'd be very interested to know.

I have Pain in both feet?

Over the past few months ive been having issues with my feet. I have constant arch pain. Its actually worse when Im not standing. I thought it was from being on my feet all the time, I worked as a stylist. So I thought some rest would help. I havent worked for over a month. the pain has not gotten any better, but has now spread to my hips and keeps me from sleeping. Its and aching pain and tingling pain. Ive tried icing them, had plenty of foot massages, but that typically causes them to swell. Im 5ft 4 115lbs 21yrs old my feet should not hurt this bad... Im thinking of going to the doctor, but part of me feels that im over reacting. Help?

If someone wants to repent for the evil deeds he/she has committed, what would be the best way possible?

Well, what you've done is done and no matter how hard you try you cannot undo what you've done. But you can start being good from this point onward. That's the best repentance you could ever get.

Does this sound serious with my brain?

I know how it feels to be worried about these things. But its ALWAYS better to be safe than sorry. You may need to just take a day to lay in the bath, cool down, relax, just lay in the bed, no bright lights or anything. It could be something like vertigo. But, I'm not a doctor, so i dont really know. If by any chance it is a tumor..the sooner your catch it, the easier it is to cure. So the longer you wait or put it off, its going to become more difficult to fix. But, I do really suggest that you see a doctor.

How do i catch these trout?

I found a small stream in Northwestern Connecticut that is stocked with rainbow and i think brown trout. On a straight a way, there is a large fallen white pine tree that crosses the stream and lays in the water maybe a couple inches. A bunch of debris has caught on this tree on the upstream side. The downstream side has a deep pool, maybe 7-8 feet. On the downstream side of the tree i can see a group of trout with huge lunker trout just swimming in place facing upstream. The water is super calm there. They hang out just past and underneath this tree. I've tried just about everything to catch these guys. Yard worms on a hook with and without sinker, Power/Trout bait, rooster tails, salmon eggs, tube bait, bass head jigs, minnows, lures of all kinds. It is frustrating because I can SEE them just below me when i fish off the tree. The big trout don't even check out my bait. I can catch small ones here and there, but i want a real keeper. Do these bigger trout just not bite? How do i catch them? I am using a closed face reel on a very light pole about 4 ft long, with 10 lb line.

What's the first symptom of being prenant ? and is a stomach ache a symptim of being pregnant ?

symptoms differ from person to person. for me, it was tenderness in my breasts and fatigue, and later some slight nausea. those are pretty common from what i've heard, early on. symptoms can also include some abdominal cramping as if you are having your period, light spotting, and constipation.